Iran Petro Partner is the International Services Division of Petro Kalooj Holdings. The company's activities are in the framework of consulting and facilitating the affairs of foreign companies that asks for cooperation with the Iranian oil industry. In the other words, our customers include factories that produce Equipment used in oil industry, specialized oil service providers, investor companies and companies whom needful to oil, gas and petrochemical products from Iran. We claim that our offer is the much more diverse services in this field in comparison with other consulting companies in Iran. Our services include all business affairs related to the purpose of cooperation or familiarity with the oil industry, market research, finding the best business partners in Iran, investigating your related companies in Iran, obtaining investment permits, legal and registration services up to Consultation or cooperation in purchasing oil products in Iran.
The vision of establishing Iran Petro partner is to simplify the processes of foreign companies cooperation with the Iranian oil industry.
our mission until 2021 is that anywhere in the world and in business circles when someone speaks about the program to cooperate with the Iran oil industry, there will be someone who has experienced cooperating with Iran Petro partner and recommend us.
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